Exit Exam

English Exit Exam (EEE)

The next English Exit Exam will be:

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at the college


Eligible students must register themselves online during the registration period if they wish to write the Exit Exam this semester. Registration will take place online from 14 – 31 of听 October, 2024.

Results for the August 7, 2024 exam will be available by the end of August 2024.

English Exit Exam Details

The Ministerial Examination of College English, commonly referred to as the English Exit Exam, is a four-hour examination that takes place twice a year, in May and December, with a make-up exam in August.Students completing a program of studies are required to pass the examination in order to obtain a DCS (AEC programs are exempt from this examination). If you began your program after the Fall 2023 semester, you must hold a to study in English to write the English Exit exam. All other students must write the l鈥櫭﹑reuve uniforme de fran莽ais (EUF).There is only one Exit Exam per semester, usually held during the final exam period.Students who have successfully completed the three Block A English courses (603-101, 603-102, and 603-103) are eligible to write the examination. However, a student may register if he/she has only 603-103 left, and is currently taking it. Students who have been granted Substitutions (SU) or Equivalencies (EQ) for English 603-101, 603-102, and/or 603-103, based on courses previously taken at college or university, are also eligible to write.NOTE: 603-BXE-MQ is NOT a prerequisite and has no bearing on the English Exit Exam as it is a program specific course.Students are encouraged to write this exam as soon as they have obtained the conditions to do so.You can write the English Exit Exam as many times as it takes to pass without fees. You do not have to be registered for courses to register to write the Exit Exam. You must be receiving your Diploma of Collegial Studies from Dawson to register for the Exit Exam at Dawson. If you are receiving your Diploma from another college, you must contact them to be registered to write the exam with them.
The examination is designed to determine how well students can apply what they have been taught in their English courses. It is based on the Ministerial Objectives and Standards that apply to English courses given in the province. Students have four hours in which to complete the exam. In that time, each student must:
  • read three selections of fiction and non-fiction,
  • choose one of the three selections to write about,
  • organize and draft an essay of at least 750 words in response,
  • revise and edit the essay, and
  • transcribe the final draft of the essay into the exam booklet.
All eligible Dawson students must register themselves online to write the Exit Exam. Access to the online registration link can be found in their Omnivox portal -> Academic Services -> Exit Exam Registration only during the registration period.There are no automatic registrations for the Exit Exam.If you went to a French cegep prior to coming to Dawson, you may be required to write the French Exit Exam (L 鈥樏塸reuve uniforme de fran莽ais). Please contact the Exit Exam Coordinator at eet@dawsoncollege.qc.ca to advise her of your situation or to ask if you are not certain.The Exit Exam is always held on a Wednesday and usually during Dawson鈥檚 exam period. It is the only exam held between 8:30 am 鈥 1:30 pm of that day so there will never be an exam conflict.
Students that were educated outside of Quebec in a language other than English or French prior to coming to Dawson, may be eligible for an extra hour (5 hours instead of 4). Students wishing to apply for the extra hour, must submit to the Exit Exam Coordinator a copy of their diploma and transcript (with translation) from the last educational institution they attended prior to coming to Dawson. Please send these documents to eet@dawsoncollege.qc.ca: This must be done before the end of the Exit Exam registration period. The MESRST (Ministry of Education) will determine the eligibility of each student. If you attended high school in Quebec, you will not be eligible. If you were educated in English or French in another country, you will not be eligible.
If you are registered to write an Exit Exam and have not accessed your portal recently or do not remember your password, you will need to contact IT Support for assistance.Your confirmation letter will be sent to your Omnivox portal/My Omnvivox Services/Documents and Messages and you must print this letter and bring it with you to the exam.Dawson employees are not responsible for printing your confirmation letter.SAAC students do NOT need a confirmation letter.
The exam starts at 8:30 am. We ask that you arrive at least half an hour early (8:00 am) to find your room, collect your exam booklet and listen to the instructions. Any student arriving more than a half an hour late (after 9:00 am) will NOT be admitted under any circumstances.Along with a printed copy of the confirmation letter,听one of the following pieces of identification is required to gain entry to the exam:
  • Dawson ID
  • Passport
  • Medicare Card
  • Driver鈥檚 License
Any student arriving to the exam without one of these authorized pieces of identification 奥滨尝尝听狈翱罢 be admitted to the exam under any circumstances. Any student without a printed copy of their confirmation letter will not be admitted (except SAAC students).Students should bring a blue or black pen. Do not use pens with erasable ink, they may fade and cause your writing to be illegible. Corrector tape is permissible however Liquid Paper is not allowed.No cell phones, electronic devices, coats or bags of any kind (including pencils cases) are permitted in the exam room and students are encouraged to leave all such items in their lockers before entering the examination area.While it is possible, with permission, to make necessary washroom visits (a monitor will be stationed in the hallway), it is important to note that any student who leaves the examination area for any other reason will NOT be re-admitted. This means that a student cannot leave the exam room to get food, to make a phone call, to put money into a parking meter, etc.
The essays are graded by a team of teachers from English departments and by external examiners from across the province. They are graded, on each of the three criteria explained below, on a scale from A (very good) to F (unacceptable). Students pass the exam if they have grades of C or better on each of the three criteria; the grade D is a failing grade.Comprehension & Insight
  • recognition of a main idea from the selected reading
  • identification of techniques and/or devices employed by the author
  • evidence of critical or analytical interpretation of the selection
  • references that demonstrate understanding of the reading
Organization of Response
  • statement of a thesis about the text
  • structured development of the essay
  • use of detail to support the thesis
  • unified paragraph structure
  • appropriate use of words
  • varied and correct sentence structures
  • correct grammar
  • conventional spelling, punctuation, and usage
The following document can be studied to understand how the Test is graded:Should the student fail, the exam must be rewritten, and passed, before a DCS can be issued. There is no limit to the number of times a failed exam may be rewritten, but students can only write on the authorized exam dates. There is no fee charged for writing, or rewriting the English Exit Exam.
Each student may bring only three (3) of the following four听reference books on basic language:
  • a standard dictionary
  • a bilingual dictionary
  • a grammar book
  • a thesaurus
The College is not obliged to provide these reference materials for you. You cannot share a dictionary with your neighbour. You may NOT bring an electronic dictionary, personal notes, course notes, tip sheets, handbooks and/or books on essay writing and presentation. These items are simply NOT ALLOWED AND WILL BE SEEN AS CHEATING. Please verify that the dictionary you intend to use does NOT contain additional material such as essay writing or dictionary of literary devices as you will not be allowed to use it.
If you would like extra help preparing for the English Exit Exam, please check out the services offered by the Academic Skills Centre using the links below, or drop by to visit them on the second floor of the library.On-line materials and advice on preparing for the English Exit ExamInformation on writing workshops, drop-in sessions, and other services
Results are available online at the bottom of your omnivox transcript. The May exam results are usually available by the third week of June, the August exam results by early-September and the December exam results by the third week of January. 鈥淩E鈥 means pass (r茅ussi) and 鈥淓C鈥 means fail (茅chec).Students are informed of the detailed results in a grade report which will indicates the grades earned on each of the three criteria, as well as the outcome, Pass or Fail. You may expect to receive this report in mid-July (May exam); mid-September (August exam) and mid-February (December exam).For additional information about the English Exit Exam, please visit the website. If you have written the Exit Exam within the last year and would like to obtain a copy of your exam, you can make that request directly to the online.The procedures for appealing the grade are explained on the back of the grade report. There is $12.50 fee for a grade review that must be paid with a certified cheque or money order. Attach it to a printed found on the Ministry鈥檚 webpage and mail both items in to the address given on the form.If you are a graduate and have been accepted to university but did not pass the Exit Exam, you must contact the university to advise them of the situation. Dawson can only register you for the next upcoming Exit Exam. The universities make their own decisions in respect to your not receiving a DCS due to a missing ministerial requirement.
The dates for the English Exit Exam are scheduled years in advance. There are no other exam dates available. The Ministry does not allow any student to write at any other time than these specified dates. Exit Exams are always held on a Wednesday at 8:30 am. The next known exam dates are:
  • Wednesday, December 18, 2024 (online registration from october 14 – 31, 2024)
  • Wednesday, May 14, 2025 (online registration from March 10 鈥 28, 2025)
  • Wednesday, August 9, 2025 (online registration from June 2 鈥 20, 2025)
  • Wednesday, December 13, 2025 (online registration from October 13 鈥 30, 2025)
  • Wednesday, May 13, 2026 (online registration from March 9 鈥 27, 2026)
  • Wednesday, August 12, 2026 (online registration from June 1 鈥 19, 2026)
  • Wednesday, December 16, 2026 (online registration from October 12 鈥 30, 2026)
Should you require assistance or have questions please contact: eet@dawsoncollege.qc.caWebsite of the Ministry of Education:

脡preuve uniforme de fran莽ais (EUF)

La prochaine 茅preuve uniforme de fran莽ais aura lieu:

le mercredi 18 decembre 2024 脿 8h30 au coll猫ge


Pour 茅crire l鈥櫭﹑reuve ce semestre, les 茅l猫ves admissibles doivent s’inscrire en ligne pendant la p茅riode d’inscription. L’inscription se d茅roulera en ligne du 14 au 31 octobre 2024.

Les 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟s du 7 aout 2024 seront disponibles vers la fin aout, 2024.

D茅tails concernant l'茅preuve uniforme de fran莽ais

  • Les 茅l猫ves provenant d鈥檜n c茅gep francophone qui ont termin茅 leurs cours de langue maternelle en fran莽ais (601-XXX-MQ)
  • Les 茅l猫ves qui ont commenc茅 leur programme 脿 partir de la session automne 2023 et qui n鈥檕nt pas de 脿 l鈥檈nseignement en anglais doivent r茅ussir l鈥櫭﹑reuve uniforme de fran莽ais (EUF) pour obtenir leur dipl么me d鈥櫭﹖udes coll茅giales (DEC).
Pour 锚tre admissible 脿 l鈥櫭﹑reuve uniforme, il faut avoir r茅ussi deux des trois cours pr茅paratoires (602-UF0-MQ, 602-UF1-MQ) 脿 l鈥櫭﹑reuve et 锚tre en voie de terminer le troisi猫me (602-UF2-MQ) au moment de l鈥檌nscription 脿 l鈥櫭﹑reuve, ou sinon d鈥檃voir r茅ussi les trois cours. Vous devez vous inscrire 脿 l鈥檈xamen aupr猫s de votre coll猫ge. La coordinatrice de l’ 茅preuve communiquera avec vous lorsque vous serez admissible 脿 passer l鈥檈xamen.
L鈥櫭﹑reuve consiste 脿 r茅diger une dissertation critique de 900听mots 脿 partir de textes litt茅raires dans un d茅lai de 4听h听30. La dissertation critique est un expos茅 茅crit et raisonn茅 sur un sujet qui porte 脿 discussion. L鈥櫭﹍猫ve doit prendre position sur un sujet propos茅, soutenir son point de vue 脿 l鈥檃ide d鈥檃rguments coh茅rents et convaincants, de preuves tir茅es des textes qui lui sont pr茅sent茅s et de ses connaissances litt茅raires.
Les 茅l猫ves doivent s鈥檌nscrire en ligne pendant la p茅riode d鈥檌nscription pour passer l鈥櫭塸reuve uniforme de fran莽ais pendant ce semestre (ces dates sont indiqu茅es dans la section听Dates des 茅preuves et p茅riodes d’inscription).Le lien pour s鈥檌nscrire se trouve sur le portail Omnivox de l鈥櫭﹍猫ve, et ce, seulement pendant la p茅riode d鈥檌nscription. Aucune inscription automatique n鈥檈st faite.
脡tudes hors Qu茅bec, mesures sp茅ciales et accommodements Les 茅l猫ves ayant fait leurs 茅tudes hors Qu茅bec dans une langue autre que le fran莽ais听 avant d鈥櫭﹖udier au Coll猫ge Dawson pourraient avoir droit 脿 des mesures sp茅ciales dont une heure suppl茅mentaire (5 heures et demie au lieu de 4 heures et demie). Pour soumettre une demande, l鈥櫭﹍猫ve doit envoyer 脿 la coordonnatrice de l鈥櫭﹑reuve de son c茅gep une copie de son dipl么me et de son relev茅 de notes (traduction en anglais ou en fran莽ais incluse) d茅livr茅s par sa derni猫re institution d鈥檈nseignement. Ces deux documents doivent 锚tre envoy茅s 脿 eet@dawsoncollege.qc.ca 听avant la fin de la p茅riode d鈥檌nscription(31 octobre). Le MEQ (minist猫re de l鈥櫭塪ucation) d茅terminera si l鈥櫭﹍猫ve est admissible aux mesures sp茅ciales. L鈥櫭﹍猫ve qui a 茅tudi茅 dans une 茅cole secondaire au Qu茅bec n鈥檈st pas admissible. L鈥櫭﹍猫ve qui a fait ses 茅tudes en fran莽ais ou en anglais dans un autre pays n鈥檈st pas admissible.脡l猫ves autochtonesDes personnes qui r茅sident ou ont r茅sid茅 sur certains territoires autochtones pourraient obtenir une exemption 脿 l’茅preuve uniforme de fran莽ais. Pour plus de renseignements, consulter le formulaire suivant 听辞耻 .
La lettre de confirmation de l鈥檌nscription 脿 l鈥櫭﹑reuve se trouve dans le portail Omnivox de l鈥櫭﹍猫ve. Il faut imprimer cette lettre et l鈥檃pporter 脿 l鈥檈xamen.L鈥櫭﹍猫ve, inscrit 脿 l鈥櫭﹑reuve uniforme, qui n鈥檃 pas acc猫s 脿 son portail doit contacter le Soutien informatique (local 2H.12) pour obtenir de l鈥檃ide.L鈥櫭﹍猫ve doit apporter une copie imprim茅e de la lettre de confirmation. Les personnes 脿 l鈥檈mploi du coll猫ge ne sont pas responsables de l鈥檌mpression de cette lettre.Les 茅l猫ves du SAAC n鈥檕nt pas besoin de lettre de confirmation.
L鈥櫭﹍猫ve doit apporter听:
  • Des stylos 脿 l鈥檈ncre bleue ou noire (Les stylos 脿 l鈥檈ncre effa莽able sont interdits. Les textes r茅dig茅s 脿 la mine ne sont pas corrig茅s.)
  • Du ruban correcteur (le liquide correcteur est interdit)
  • Jusqu鈥櫭 trois ouvrages de r茅f茅rence sur le code linguistique (voir la section Mat茅riel autoris茅)
  • Une pi猫ce d鈥檌dentit茅 avec photo (ex: carte 茅tudiante, une pi猫ce d鈥檌dentit茅 avec photo (passeport, carte d鈥檃ssurance maladie ou permis de conduire).
  • La lettre de confirmation imprim茅e
Pour entrer dans la salle d鈥檈xamen, l鈥櫭﹍猫ve doit montrer une carte d鈥檌dentit茅 avec photo (d茅livr茅e par le gouvernement ou le coll猫ge) et sa lettre de confirmation imprim茅e. L鈥櫭﹍猫ve qui ne pr茅sentera pas ces deux documents se verra refuser l鈥檃cc猫s 脿 la salle d鈥檈xamen sans exception.鈥嬧D茅roulement et consignes
  • L鈥櫭﹍猫ve doit se pr茅senter dans sa salle d鈥檈xamen au plus tard 脿 8 h.
  • Les consignes sont lues 脿 8 h 25 et l鈥櫭﹑reuve commence 脿 8 h 30.
  • Personne, sans exception, ne peut entrer dans la salle apr猫s 9 h.
  • Les 茅tuis 脿 crayons ou les notes de cours sont interdits.
  • Les t茅l茅phones cellulaires et les appareils 茅lectroniques comme les montres intelligentes sont interdits. Leur pr茅sence en salle d鈥檈xamen sera consid茅r茅e comme de la fraude.
Crit猫re I – Compr茅hension et qualit茅 de l鈥檃rgumentation
  1. Respect du sujet de r茅daction
  2. Qualit茅 de l’argumentation
  3. Compr茅hension des textes et int茅gration de connaissances litt茅raires
 Crit猫re II – Structure du texte de l鈥櫭﹍猫ve
  1. Introduction et conclusion
  2. 顿茅惫别濒辞辫辫别尘别苍迟
 Crit猫re III 鈥 Maitrise de la langue (30 fautes maximum)
  1. Vocabulaire
  2. Syntaxe et ponctuation
  3. Orthographe d’usage et orthographe grammaticale
 Pour plus de d茅tails, vous pouvez .Voici des exemples de sujets de r茅daction d鈥櫭﹑reuves ant茅rieures听:
Vous pouvez utiliser trois ouvrages de r茅f茅rence parmi les suivants听:
  • dictionnaire unilingue ou bilingue;
  • dictionnaire de synonymes;
  • dictionnaire des noms propres;
  • guide de conjugaison;
  • grammaire;
  • trait茅 de ponctuation, etc.
Il est toutefois interdit d鈥檃pporter des notes de cours ou des notes personnelles. De plus, les livres suivants ne sont pas permis:
  • anthologie;
  • manuel d鈥檋istoire litt茅raire;
  • guide de r茅daction;
  • dictionnaire des figures de style, etc.
Il n鈥檈st pas permis d鈥檈mprunter les ouvrages de r茅f茅rence d鈥檃utres 茅l猫ves.
Des outils et de la documentation sont disponibles au 颁尝脡翱 (Centre de langue 茅crite et orale).En collaboration avec le d茅partement de fran莽ais, le 颁尝脡翱 (local 4E.10) offre 茅galement du soutien aux 茅l猫ves (suivis r茅guliers, ateliers en petits groupes, information g茅n茅rale鈥). L鈥檕ffre de services se trouve sur le site web du 颁尝脡翱.Pour prendre rendez-vous avec l鈥櫭﹒uipe du 颁尝脡翱 ou pour participer 脿 un atelier听: (page Omnivox)
Le 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟 est transmis de deux fa莽ons : 茅lectroniquement et par la poste.D猫s qu鈥檌l est disponible, le 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟 g茅n茅ral, r茅ussite (RE) ou 茅chec (EC), se trouve sur Omnivox, sur la grille de cheminement et sur votre relev茅 de notes officiel. Pour ce qui est de l鈥櫭塸reuve de d茅cembre, les premiers 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟s sortent au d茅but f茅vrier et les derniers, 脿 la mi-mars. Pour l鈥櫭塸reuve de mai, les 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟s sont diffus茅s petit 脿 petit du d茅but juin 脿 la mi-juillet. Les 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟s de l鈥櫭塸reuve d鈥檃o没t sont affich茅s au d茅but septembre.Le 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟 d茅taill茅 indiquant les notes obtenues pour chacun des crit猫res et confirmant le 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟 g茅n茅ral (r茅ussite ou 茅chec) est envoy茅 par la poste.Plus de renseignements se trouvent sur le site du minist猫re de l鈥櫭塪ucation.Demande de document ou de r茅visionLes examens sont conserv茅s seulement un an. L鈥櫭﹍猫ve ne peut obtenir la copie de son examen ou demander une r茅vision de notes apr猫s un an.Pour effectuer une demande de copie d鈥檈xamen et de copie de relev茅 des 谤茅蝉耻濒迟补迟s, il faut remplir le formulaire disponible sur le site du minist猫re. La marche 脿 suivre ainsi que le formulaire 脿 remplir se trouvent sur la En cas d鈥櫭ヽhecEn cas d鈥櫭ヽhec, l鈥櫭﹍猫ve doit passer de nouveau l鈥櫭塸reuve et la r茅ussir avant qu鈥檜n DEC soit d茅livr茅. Les reprises sont 颈濒濒颈尘颈迟茅别蝉 et sans frais, mais ont seulement lieu lors de la tenue autoris茅e des 脡preuves (mai, ao没t et d茅cembre).L鈥櫭﹍猫ve qui a termin茅 ses cours, mais qui n鈥檃 pas r茅ussi l鈥櫭塸reuve uniforme de fran莽ais, peut contacter son universit茅 pour l鈥檌nformer de la situation. Le Coll猫ge Dawson peut l鈥檌nscrire 脿 la prochaine tenue de l鈥櫭塸reuve. Ce sont les universit茅s qui tranchent dans les cas d鈥櫭﹍猫ves qui n鈥檕btiennent pas leur DEC en raison d鈥檈xigences minist茅rielles non satisfaites.
Les 茅preuves ont lieu trois fois par ann茅e (d茅cembre, mai et ao没t). Les prochaines 茅preuves se tiendront aux dates suivantes :
  • mercredi 18 decembre 2024 (inscription en ligne du 14 au 31 octobre 2024)
  • mercredi 14 mai 2025 (inscription en ligne du 10 au 28 mars 2025)
  • mercredi 6 ao没t 2025 (inscription en ligne du 2 au 20 juin 2025)
  • mercredi 17 d茅cembre 2025 (inscription en ligne du 13 au 30 octobre 2025)
  • mercredi 13 mai 2026 (inscription en ligne du 9 au 27 mars 2026)
  • mercredi 12 ao没t 2026 (inscription en ligne du 2 au 20 juin 2026)
  • mercredi 16 d茅cembre 2026 (inscription en ligne du 12 au 30 octobre 2026)
Courriel de la personne responsable de l鈥櫭塸reuve uniforme au d茅partement de fran莽ais: euf@dawsoncollege.qc.caCourriel de la personne responsable des inscriptions 脿 l鈥櫭﹑reuve au Coll猫ge Dawson : eet@dawsoncollege.qc.caSite web du minist猫re de l鈥櫭塪ucation听: Pour obtenir plus听d鈥檌nformations sur les cours pr茅paratoires et sur l鈥檕bligation de r茅ussite de l鈥櫭﹑reuve uniforme de fran莽ais dans les 茅tablissements offrant un enseignement en anglais, consulter la page .
  • 颁尝脡翱 (local 4E.10)听: cleo@dawsoncollege.qc.ca. Pour prendre rendez-vous avec l鈥櫭﹒uipe du 颁尝脡翱 ou pour participer 脿 un atelier : (page Omnivox)

Last Modified: September 20, 2024